智能家居界面编程。利用QT编写,有温度,窗帘,灯光等控制,另外还添加了串口,线程的设计方法。(Intelligent home interface programming. Using QT, there are temperature, curtains, lights and other controls. In addition, the design method of serial port and thread is added.)
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
smartHome\.qmake.stash | 118 | 2018-04-10 |
smartHome\bedroomwidget.cpp | 2629 | 2018-05-16 |
smartHome\bedroomwidget.h | 708 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\bedroomwidget.o | 32560 | 2018-05-16 |
smartHome\bedroomwidget.ui | 10160 | 2018-05-10 |
smartHome\curtainwidget.cpp | 1028 | 2018-04-25 |
smartHome\curtainwidget.h | 508 | 2018-04-25 |
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smartHome\images\bottom\reset.png | 2405 | 2016-01-21 |
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smartHome\images\css\style.css | 5275 | 2016-08-29 |
smartHome\images\curtain\curtain_close.png | 7090 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\curtain\curtain_open.png | 5425 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\curtain\curtain_stop.png | 6218 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\home_normal.png | 1401 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\midwidget\Bedroom.png | 43566 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\midwidget\BedroomHover.png | 43704 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\midwidget\BedroomPressed.png | 43520 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\midwidget\kitchen.png | 46080 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\midwidget\kitchenHover.png | 46248 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\midwidget\kitchenPressed.png | 46058 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\midwidget\Parlor.png | 40798 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\midwidget\ParlorHover.png | 40905 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\midwidget\ParlorPressed.png | 40772 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\midwidget\Safety.png | 41819 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\midwidget\Safety_hover.png | 41753 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\midwidget\Safety_pressed.png | 41838 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\module\light_bulb_48.233009708738px_1185650_easyicon.net.png | 3257 | 2016-01-21 |
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smartHome\images\module\temp_add.png | 7847 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\module\temp_sub.png | 7353 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\setting.png | 145709 | 2016-08-26 |
smartHome\images\setting_pressed.png | 2975 | 2016-01-21 |
smartHome\images\title.png | 20728 | 2018-04-10 |
smartHome\images\woshi.jpg | 122428 | 2016-08-26 |
smartHome\images.qrc | 2206 | 2016-08-28 |
smartHome\kitchenwidget.cpp | 2835 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\kitchenwidget.h | 870 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\kitchenwidget.o | 36132 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\kitchenwidget.ui | 15113 | 2016-08-30 |
smartHome\main.cpp | 483 | 2018-04-27 |
smartHome\main.o | 6472 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\Makefile | 305310 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\moc_bedroomwidget.cpp | 3779 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\moc_bedroomwidget.o | 7216 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\moc_curtainwidget.cpp | 3851 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\moc_curtainwidget.o | 7248 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\moc_kitchenwidget.cpp | 3839 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\moc_kitchenwidget.o | 7244 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\moc_modelchoosewidget.cpp | 3904 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\moc_modelchoosewidget.o | 7316 | 2018-05-07 |
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smartHome\moc_musicwidget.o | 6528 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\moc_parlourwidget.cpp | 4673 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\moc_parlourwidget.o | 7812 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\moc_qcustomplot.cpp | 241659 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\moc_qcustomplot.o | 291240 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\moc_statisticwidget.cpp | 4076 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\moc_statisticwidget.o | 7256 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\moc_systemsettingdialog.cpp | 3724 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\moc_systemsettingdialog.o | 7200 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\moc_tcpsocket.cpp | 3464 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\moc_tcpsocket.o | 6460 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\moc_uart.cpp | 4860 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\moc_uart.o | 5744 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\moc_widget.cpp | 5480 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\moc_widget.o | 8220 | 2018-05-15 |
smartHome\modbusmaster.cpp | 94 | 2018-04-20 |
smartHome\modbusmaster.h | 502 | 2018-04-20 |
smartHome\modelchoosewidget.cpp | 1354 | 2016-08-29 |
smartHome\modelchoosewidget.h | 598 | 2016-08-29 |
smartHome\modelchoosewidget.o | 26916 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\modelchoosewidget.ui | 9173 | 2016-08-29 |
smartHome\musicwidget.cpp | 236 | 2016-08-29 |
smartHome\musicwidget.h | 317 | 2016-08-29 |
smartHome\musicwidget.o | 19516 | 2018-05-07 |
smartHome\musicwidget.ui | 5560 | 2016-08-29 |
smartHome\myhelp.h | 484 | 2016-08-26 |
smartHome\parlourwidget.cpp | 4070 | 2016-08-29 |
smartHome\parlourwidget.h | 976 | 2016-08-29 |