(3)最小生成树中包括的边及其权值,并显示得到的最小生成树的代价。(1) the distance network between cities is expressed by adjacency matrix, and the storage structure of the adjacency matrix is defined by the definition of the textbook. If there is no road between the two cities, the weight value of the corresponding edge is set to the infinite value of its own definition. The minimum spanning tree required to be displayed on the screen includes those intercity roads and shows the cost of the minimum spanning tree.
(2) denote the adjacency matrix of the distance network between cities (requiring at least 6 cities, 10 sides).
(3) the edges and weights of the minimum spanning tree and the cost of the minimum spanning tree.)
(3)最小生成树中包括的边及其权值,并显示得到的最小生成树的代价。(1) the distance network between cities is expressed by adjacency matrix, and the storage structure of the adjacency matrix is defined by the definition of the textbook. If there is no road between the two cities, the weight value of the corresponding edge is set to the infinite value of its own definition. The minimum spanning tree required to be displayed on the screen includes those intercity roads and shows the cost of the minimum spanning tree.
(2) denote the adjacency matrix of the distance network between cities (requiring at least 6 cities, 10 sides).
(3) the edges and weights of the minimum spanning tree and the cost of the minimum spanning tree.)
相关搜索: 最小生成树的应用
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
prim建立n个城市间的最小生成树.txt | 7571 | 2018-06-20 |