获取文字验证码之后,如果没有收到,可以再次获取语音验证码,两种验证码的结合,可以有效避免验证码收不到的情况,从而是验证码的成功率接近100%,有效的避免客户的流失。(After obtaining the text verification code, if not received, you can get the voice verification code again. The combination of the two authentication codes can effectively avoid the situation that the verification code is not received, but the success rate of the verification code is close to 100%, effectively avoiding the loss of the customer.)
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\bin\SpeakIsDeom.dll | 24576 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\bin\SpeakIsDeom.pdb | 46592 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\GoogleCode.cs | 9475 | 2015-09-29 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\js\jquery-1.4.1.min.js | 70843 | 2015-09-28 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache | 7515 | 2015-09-29 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\obj\Debug\SpeakIsDeom.dll | 24576 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\obj\Debug\SpeakIsDeom.pdb | 46592 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\obj\SpeakIsDeom.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 1314 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs | 1322 | 2015-09-29 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\reg.aspx | 7988 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\reg.aspx.cs | 995 | 2015-09-29 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\reg.aspx.designer.cs | 2334 | 2015-10-12 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\regmsg.aspx | 109 | 2015-09-29 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\regmsg.aspx.cs | 9706 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\regmsg.aspx.designer.cs | 640 | 2015-09-29 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom.csproj | 4227 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom.csproj.user | 1181 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom.Publish.xml | 569 | 2015-09-29 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\ValidateCode.aspx | 467 | 2015-09-29 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\ValidateCode.aspx.cs | 1161 | 2015-09-29 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\ValidateCode.aspx.designer.cs | 573 | 2015-09-29 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\Web.config | 1246 | 2015-09-29 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom.sln | 1072 | 2015-09-29 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom.suo | 20992 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\obj\Debug\TempPE | 0 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\obj\Debug | 0 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\bin | 0 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\js | 0 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\obj | 0 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom\Properties | 0 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom\SpeakIsDeom | 0 | 2015-10-13 |
SpeakIsDeom | 0 | 2015-10-13 |