来绘制该图标。对于使用文档/视图模型的 MFC 应用程序,
这将由框架自动完成。(if you add a minimization button to the dialog box, you need the following code.
To draw the icon. For MFC applications that use document / view models,
This will be done automatically by the fr a mework.)
来绘制该图标。对于使用文档/视图模型的 MFC 应用程序,
这将由框架自动完成。(if you add a minimization button to the dialog box, you need the following code.
To draw the icon. For MFC applications that use document / view models,
This will be done automatically by the fr a mework.)
相关搜索: c
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Ch03Ex01\Ch03Ex01\Program.cs | 627 | 2015-03-14 |
Ch03Ex01\Ch03Ex01\Properties | 0 | 2018-02-10 |
Ch03Ex01\Ch03Ex01\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs | 1428 | 2015-03-14 |