利用MFC读取显示shapefile文件,点击显示属性值(Using MFC to read and display the ShapeFile file, click the display property value)
相关搜索: MFC绘制地图
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
ogrdemo | 0 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\Debug | 0 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\Debug\mfcOGR.exe | 455680 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\Debug\mfcOGR.exp | 112601 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\Debug\mfcOGR.ilk | 2666256 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\Debug\mfcOGR.lib | 185506 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\Debug\mfcOGR.pdb | 6097920 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\ipch | 0 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\ipch\mfcogr-c1dd5aeb | 0 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\ipch\ogrdemo-2814aa89 | 0 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\ipch\ogrdemo-2814aa89\ogrdemo-4bfd73d9.ipch | 2359296 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR | 0 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\ChildView.cpp | 4635 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\ChildView.h | 911 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Debug | 0 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\GMapLayer.cpp | 7167 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\GMapLayer.h | 3976 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\MainFrm.cpp | 2041 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\MainFrm.h | 812 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\mfcOGR.aps | 110188 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\mfcOGR.cpp | 3973 | 2018-01-25 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\mfcOGR.h | 511 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\mfcOGR.rc | 17564 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\mfcOGR.vcxproj | 6747 | 2018-01-20 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\mfcOGR.vcxproj.filters | 2382 | 2018-01-20 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\mfcOGR.vcxproj.user | 143 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\msvcr120.dll | 970912 | 2013-10-22 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\ReadMe.txt | 3014 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release | 0 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\ChildView.obj | 1132557 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\cl.command.1.tlog | 4818 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\CL.read.1.tlog | 121314 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\CL.write.1.tlog | 3452 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\DLG.obj | 49892 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\GMapLayer.obj | 1188187 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\link-cvtres.read.1.tlog | 2 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\link-cvtres.write.1.tlog | 2 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\link.command.1.tlog | 2090 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\link.read.1.tlog | 6008 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\link.write.1.tlog | 1156 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\MainFrm.obj | 1123005 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\mfcOGR.Build.CppClean.log | 1761 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\mfcOGR.exe.intermediate.manifest | 640 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\mfcOGR.lastbuildstate | 59 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\mfcOGR.log | 5973 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\mfcOGR.obj | 1136677 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\mfcOGR.pch | 31195136 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\mfcOGR.res | 71320 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\mfcOGR.vcxprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache | 713 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\mfcOGR.write.1.tlog | 2286 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\mt.command.1.tlog | 794 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\mt.read.1.tlog | 642 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\mt.write.1.tlog | 460 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\rc.command.1.tlog | 608 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\rc.read.1.tlog | 3180 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\rc.write.1.tlog | 214 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\stdafx.obj | 4782917 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\Release\vc100.pdb | 3829760 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\res | 0 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\resource.h | 2010 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\res\mfcOGR.ico | 67777 | 2009-08-31 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\res\mfcOGR.rc2 | 668 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\stdafx.cpp | 139 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\stdafx.h | 1597 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\mfcOGR\targetver.h | 234 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo | 0 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo.sdf | 15880192 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo.sln | 1345 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo.suo | 47104 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\Debug | 0 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\GMapLayer.cpp | 4568 | 2017-12-21 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\GMapLayer.h | 3513 | 2017-12-21 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\ogrdemo.aps | 17880 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\ogrdemo.cpp | 3043 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\ogrdemo.rc | 2458 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\ogrdemo.vcxproj | 5233 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\ogrdemo.vcxproj.filters | 1721 | 2018-01-19 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\ogrdemo.vcxproj.user | 143 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\ReadMe.txt | 1553 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\Release | 0 | 2018-01-26 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\Release\cl.command.1.tlog | 744 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\Release\CL.read.1.tlog | 2120 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\Release\CL.write.1.tlog | 452 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\Release\ogrdemo.Build.CppClean.log | 432 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\Release\ogrdemo.lastbuildstate | 59 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\Release\ogrdemo.log | 995 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\Release\ogrdemo.pch | 1179648 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\Release\ogrdemo.unsuccessfulbuild | 0 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\Release\ogrdemo.write.1.tlog | 0 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\Release\stdafx.obj | 30190 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\Release\vc100.pdb | 126976 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\resource.h | 386 | 2018-01-18 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\stdafx.cpp | 212 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\stdafx.h | 233 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\ogrdemo\targetver.h | 236 | 2017-12-25 |
ogrdemo\Release | 0 | 2018-01-26 |