1. sales management
(1) the current order list: auto refresh, get new orders, get voice prompts, print automatically, and have diversified search functions when new orders arrive, which can shield a IP from submitting orders.
(2) available products: show the current situation of the sale of the dishes, including the total number, how many copies have been sold, and the number of remaining copies.
(3) overdue order processing: dealing with overdue orders, such as distribution, checkout, etc., if there is no automatic processing order (system management - basically set up), we need to manually process orders.
(1) the current order list: auto refresh, get new orders, get voice prompts, print automatically, and have diversified search functions when new orders arrive, which can shield a IP from submitting orders.
(2) available products: show the current situation of the sale of the dishes, including the total number, how many copies have been sold, and the number of remaining copies.
(3) overdue order processing: dealing with overdue orders, such as distribution, checkout, etc., if there is no automatic processing order (system management - basically set up), we need to manually process orders.
相关搜索: ebusiness
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