《* Java 开发手册》是*集团技术团队的集体智慧结晶和经验总
结, 经历了多次大规模一线实战的检验及不断的完善, 系统化地整理成册, 回馈给广
大开发者。 现代软件行业的高速发展对开发者的综合素质要求越来越高, 因为不仅是
编程知识点,其它维度的知识点也会影响到软件的最终交付质量。(The Alibaba Java development manual is the collective wisdom and experience of the Alibaba group's technical team
Node, experienced a number of large-scale inspection and front-line combat constantly improve, to the compilation system, back to Guangzhou
Big developer. The rapid development of the modern software industry requires more and more comprehensive quality of the developers, because not only is the development of the developers more and more high.
Programming knowledge points, and other dimensions of knowledge points can also affect the final delivery quality of the software.)
结, 经历了多次大规模一线实战的检验及不断的完善, 系统化地整理成册, 回馈给广
大开发者。 现代软件行业的高速发展对开发者的综合素质要求越来越高, 因为不仅是
编程知识点,其它维度的知识点也会影响到软件的最终交付质量。(The Alibaba Java development manual is the collective wisdom and experience of the Alibaba group's technical team
Node, experienced a number of large-scale inspection and front-line combat constantly improve, to the compilation system, back to Guangzhou
Big developer. The rapid development of the modern software industry requires more and more comprehensive quality of the developers, because not only is the development of the developers more and more high.
Programming knowledge points, and other dimensions of knowledge points can also affect the final delivery quality of the software.)
相关搜索: *java开发手册
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
《*Java开发手册》(纪念版).pdf | 1132341 | 2017-12-19 |