3.要修改广告请登陆后台,后台地址http://域名/admin 默认用户名:admin 密码:admin
1. upload to space can be used
2. all the video is automatically updated, without any manual operation, the lazy people are necessary.
3. to modify the advertising please login to the background, the background address http:// domain name /admin default user name: admin Password: admin
The free version can modify part of the ad, and the authorized user can modify all the ads.)
3.要修改广告请登陆后台,后台地址http://域名/admin 默认用户名:admin 密码:admin
1. upload to space can be used
2. all the video is automatically updated, without any manual operation, the lazy people are necessary.
3. to modify the advertising please login to the background, the background address http:// domain name /admin default user name: admin Password: admin
The free version can modify part of the ad, and the authorized user can modify all the ads.)
相关搜索: 视频网站
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