帐号:admin ,密码:admin 。(There are no worries in Chinese and English. The website is developed by asp+access. Besides the addition of products and the classification of products, the website has basic functions such as news management, enterprise information management and link management.
Welcome to worry in the numerous enterprise website universal version, support local IIS some functions can not be recommended online testing, please upload the entire package to run under the root directory, login background management need browser support for the IE10.0 compatible browsers such as Firefox or above.
Backstage management: your domain name /wyadmin,
Account number: admin, password: admin.)
帐号:admin ,密码:admin 。(There are no worries in Chinese and English. The website is developed by asp+access. Besides the addition of products and the classification of products, the website has basic functions such as news management, enterprise information management and link management.
Welcome to worry in the numerous enterprise website universal version, support local IIS some functions can not be recommended online testing, please upload the entire package to run under the root directory, login background management need browser support for the IE10.0 compatible browsers such as Firefox or above.
Backstage management: your domain name /wyadmin,
Account number: admin, password: admin.)
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