C#工程创建简化版QQ,所用软件版本,VS 2015,SQL Sesver 2014(C# engineering to create a simplified version of QQ)
相关搜索: 循环检测
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
01\Bits\01.txt | 386 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\02.txt | 844 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\03.txt | 302 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\04.txt | 204 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\05.txt | 435 | 2017-05-11 |
01\Bits\06.txt | 426 | 2017-05-11 |
01\Bits\07.txt | 1609 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\08.txt | 197 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\09.txt | 214 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\10.txt | 273 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\11.txt | 901 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\12.txt | 218 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\13.txt | 133 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\14.txt | 122 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\15.txt | 154 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\16.txt | 2805 | 2017-05-11 |
01\Bits\17.txt | 110 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\18.txt | 71 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\19.txt | 318 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\20.txt | 483 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\21.txt | 1010 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\22.txt | 1367 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\23.txt | 229 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\24.txt | 184 | 2017-05-11 |
01\Bits\25.txt | 204 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\26.txt | 123 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\27.txt | 410 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\28.txt | 340 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\29.txt | 219 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\30.txt | 1304 | 2017-05-11 |
01\Bits\31.txt | 456 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\32.txt | 1113 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\33.txt | 2355 | 2017-05-11 |
01\Bits\34.txt | 261 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\35.txt | 1163 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\36.txt | 341 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\37.txt | 459 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\38.txt | 1154 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\39.txt | 130 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\40.txt | 1107 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\41.txt | 241 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Bits\42.txt | 1094 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\.vs\MyQQ\v14\.suo | 39424 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\.vs\MyQQ\v15\.suo | 34816 | 2017-05-11 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\App.config | 189 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\bin\Debug\MyQQ.exe | 7168 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\bin\Debug\MyQQ.exe.config | 189 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\bin\Debug\MyQQ.pdb | 19968 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\bin\Debug\MyQQ.vshost.exe | 22696 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\bin\Debug\MyQQ.vshost.exe.config | 189 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\bin\Debug\MyQQ.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\Form1.cs | 385 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\Form1.Designer.cs | 1160 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\MyQQ.csproj | 3789 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache | 868 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache | 7410 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\obj\Debug\MyQQ.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 1077 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\obj\Debug\MyQQ.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache | 954 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\obj\Debug\MyQQ.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache | 2384 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\obj\Debug\MyQQ.exe | 7168 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\obj\Debug\MyQQ.pdb | 19968 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\obj\Debug\MyQQ.Properties.Resources.resources | 180 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\obj\Debug\TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs | 0 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\obj\Debug\TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs | 0 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\obj\Debug\TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs | 0 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\Program.cs | 516 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs | 1316 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs | 2821 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\Properties\Resources.resx | 5612 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs | 1091 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ\Properties\Settings.settings | 249 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\001\MyQQ\MyQQ.sln | 979 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\.vs\MyQQ\v14\.suo | 97280 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\app.config | 161 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\bin\Debug\MyQQ.exe | 1063424 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\bin\Debug\MyQQ.exe.config | 161 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\bin\Debug\MyQQ.pdb | 38400 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\bin\Debug\MyQQ.vshost.exe | 22688 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\bin\Debug\MyQQ.vshost.exe.config | 161 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\bin\Debug\MyQQ.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\DataOperator.cs | 2220 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\Frm_Login.cs | 6426 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\Frm_Login.Designer.cs | 7927 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\Frm_Login.resx | 5817 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\Frm_Main.cs | 391 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\Frm_Main.Designer.cs | 1170 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\Frm_Register.cs | 399 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\Frm_Register.Designer.cs | 1178 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\MyQQ.csproj | 5875 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\MyQQ.csproj.user | 453 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\MyQQ.sln | 974 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache | 6961 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache | 8133 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\obj\Debug\MyQQ.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 13702 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\obj\Debug\MyQQ.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache | 1849 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\obj\Debug\MyQQ.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache | 2517 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\obj\Debug\MyQQ.exe | 1063424 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\obj\Debug\MyQQ.Frm_AddFriend.resources | 4732 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\obj\Debug\MyQQ.Frm_Chat.resources | 948511 | 2017-05-10 |
01\Module\002\MyQQ\obj\Debug\MyQQ.Frm_EditInfo.resources | 944199 | 2017-05-10 |