智能小车是移动机器人的一种,可通过计算机编程来实现其对行驶方向、启停以及速度的控制。要想让智能小车在行驶过程中能成功地避开障碍物,必须对其进行路径规划?,路径规划的任务是为小车规划一条从起始点到目标点的无碰路径。路径规划方法有:BP人工神经网络法(Back Propagation)、机器学习(Reinforcement Learning)、以及模糊控制(Fuzzy Control)方法等。模糊技术具有人类智能的模糊性和推理能力,在路径规划中,模糊推理的应用主要体现在基于行为的导航方式上,即将机器人的运动过程分解为避障、边界跟踪、调速、目标制导等基本行为,各基本行为的激活由不同的机构分别控制,机器人的最终操作由高层控制机构对基本行为进行平衡后作出综合反应。模糊控制方法将信息获取和模糊推理过程有机结合,其优点在于不依赖机器人的动力学、运动学模型,系统控制融入了人类经验,同时计算量小,构成方法较为简单,节省系统资源,实时性。本文探讨了模糊控制技术在避障路径规划中的应用,并对其进行了仿真设计。(There are many ways on autonomous mobile robot obstacle avoidance system
designing, which based on fuzzy control of robot obstacle avoidance system is to use the fuzzy logic control system to determine the environmental information around the robot, then plan out a route to the target point with collision-free path. This method has a small footprint, responsive and could be able to cope with relatively complex external environment. In this paper, the main content is fuzzy control theory based obstacle avoidance of mobile robot path planning by research.)
designing, which based on fuzzy control of robot obstacle avoidance system is to use the fuzzy logic control system to determine the environmental information around the robot, then plan out a route to the target point with collision-free path. This method has a small footprint, responsive and could be able to cope with relatively complex external environment. In this paper, the main content is fuzzy control theory based obstacle avoidance of mobile robot path planning by research.)
相关搜索: matlab模糊控制
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
模糊控制用于机器人避障.doc | 396644 | 2017-12-06 |