在哲学家线程之间通过对信号量的P,V操作,实现线程之间的同步关系。(According to the mutual restriction between the philosophers' process, the reasonable signal quantity and the initial value of the signal quantity are set up.
Create 5 threads to simulate the 5 philosopher processes, respectively.
The synchronization relationship between threads is realized between the philosophers' threads through the P and V operations of the semaphore.)
在哲学家线程之间通过对信号量的P,V操作,实现线程之间的同步关系。(According to the mutual restriction between the philosophers' process, the reasonable signal quantity and the initial value of the signal quantity are set up.
Create 5 threads to simulate the 5 philosopher processes, respectively.
The synchronization relationship between threads is realized between the philosophers' threads through the P and V operations of the semaphore.)
相关搜索: 哲学家问题
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
shiyan3.c | 4041 | 2017-11-28 |
thinking.c | 1508 | 2017-11-22 |