扑克牌比大小游戏作为生活中最为常见的游戏之一, 深受人们的喜爱。 但面
对不同的参与者, 能否给出一个最优的应对策略以寻求利润的最大化,成为人们
一直探讨的问题。本文以最常见的无平局的大小牌游戏(Poker is one of the most common games in life, and loved by people. But
For different participants, it is a question that people have been exploring whether they can give an optimal coping strategy to maximize profits. This article takes the most common game of no size game)
对不同的参与者, 能否给出一个最优的应对策略以寻求利润的最大化,成为人们
一直探讨的问题。本文以最常见的无平局的大小牌游戏(Poker is one of the most common games in life, and loved by people. But
For different participants, it is a question that people have been exploring whether they can give an optimal coping strategy to maximize profits. This article takes the most common game of no size game)
相关搜索: 基于无平局的大小牌游戏问题研究