
  • 所属分类:
  • 数学计算/工程计算
  • 资源属性:
  • 上传时间:
  • 2017-09-29
  • 文件大小:
  • 9kb
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  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • nuc****
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A source code of simple calculation.
相关搜索: fortran



Program Calculates GPA of a Student once the Grades Are Entered by User.f90
Program Calculates Surface Area and Volume of A Cylinder for Fixed Radius and Height.f90
Program Calculates the Circumference of a Ring for Fixed Radius.f90
Program Calculates the Factorial of an Entered Number.f90
Program Calculates the First 10 numbers of The Fibonacci Sequence.f90
Program Calculates the Roots of Second Order Functions once the Coefficients are Entered by User.f90
Program Calculates the Sinus and Cosinus of an Entered Degree.f90
Program Converts from Degree to Radian.f90
Program Determines if the User can form a Triangle with the Entered Edges.f90
Program Displays the Typed Name and Surname of the User.f90
Program Dteremines whether the Entered Number is Prime or Not.f90
Program Finds the First and Second Minimum Number of 10 Numbers Entered.f90
Program Finds the First and Second Minimum Number of 10 Numbers Entered.rar
Program Finds the First and Second Minimum Number of 10 Numbers Entered.zip
Program Finds the Smallest Number out of 10 Entered Number.f90
Program Multiplies Two Fixed Numbers.f90
Program Performs Four Opertions for Two Fixed Numbers.f90
Program Prints Texts on Screen.f90
Program Reads Radius from a File Calculates Circumference of a Circle and Writes the Reullt in a File.f90
Program Shows How Many Days in a Specific Month Entered by User.f90
Program Shows the Greater and Lesser Number and Sbstract them once two Numbers are Entered by User.f90
Program Shows the Type of Triangle once the Lengths are Entered by User..f90
Program Shows whether the Entered Number Even or Odd.f90
Program Shows whether the Entered Number is Less or Greater than Zero.f90
Programme Calculats Volume Sumsurfaces and Sum of Volume and Sumsurfaces of Parallelepiped.f90
Program Adds All the Numbers Entered by User.f90
Program Adds All the Numbers Entered by User.rar
Program Adds the Numbers 1 Through 10.f90
Program Adds the Numbers 1 Through 10.rar
Program Adds the Odd and Even Numbers 1 through 10.f90
Program Adds Two Entered Numbers by User.f90
Program Adds Two Entered Numbers by User.rar
Program Adds Two Fixed Numbers.f90
Program Calculates Area and Volume for Fixed Radius.f90


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