高斯扩散模式适用于均一的大气条件,以及地面开阔平坦的地区,点源的扩散模式。排放大量污染物的烟囱、放散管、通风口等,虽然其大小不一,但是只要不是讨论烟囱底部很近距离的污染问题,均可视其为点源。(The Gauss diffusion model is applied to homogeneous atmospheric conditions, as well as to ground open flat regions, and to point source diffusion patterns. Chimneys, pipes, vents, etc. that emit large quantities of pollutants, although they vary in size, can be regarded as point sources as long as they do not discuss the pollution problems near the bottom of the chimney.)
相关搜索: 气体高斯扩赛模型
气体高斯扩散模型模拟 代码.doc