文件名称:QMC5883L vs HMC5883L
QMC5883L是一款高精度三轴AMR磁传感器,传承了Honeywell全球独家授权的AMR技术,拥有16位ADC,三轴磁场分辨率都达到2毫高斯,可以提供1度的方位角分辨精度;信号输出频率达200Hz,满足高速系统要求;自带温度补偿功能保证了信号输出的稳定性;宽幅工作电压(2.16V To 3.6V)和低功耗特征(75uA)均对系统有更好的支持。且与Honeywell的HMC5883L是完全兼容,都采用3x3x0.9 mm3 LGA封装形式,可以帮助客户轻松实现产品的升级换代。
QMC5883L凭借其优异的性能,可以被广泛的应用于无人机、高精度工业控制和汽车电子领域。(The QMC5883L is a high precision three axis magnetic sensor AMR, the heritage of the Honeywell global exclusive AMR technology, with 16 ADC, three axis magnetic field resolution could reach 2 without Gauss, can provide 1 degree resolution precision azimuth; signal output frequency up to 200Hz, to meet the requirements of high-speed system with temperature compensation function to ensure; the stability of the signal output; wide working voltage (2.16V To 3.6V) and low power consumption characteristics (75uA) have better support for the system. And with the Honeywell HMC5883L is fully compatible, and all use 3x3x0.9 mm3 LGA packaging form, can help customers easily upgrade products.
QMC5883L with its excellent performance, can be widely used in UAVs, high-precision industrial control and automotive electronics.)
QMC5883L凭借其优异的性能,可以被广泛的应用于无人机、高精度工业控制和汽车电子领域。(The QMC5883L is a high precision three axis magnetic sensor AMR, the heritage of the Honeywell global exclusive AMR technology, with 16 ADC, three axis magnetic field resolution could reach 2 without Gauss, can provide 1 degree resolution precision azimuth; signal output frequency up to 200Hz, to meet the requirements of high-speed system with temperature compensation function to ensure; the stability of the signal output; wide working voltage (2.16V To 3.6V) and low power consumption characteristics (75uA) have better support for the system. And with the Honeywell HMC5883L is fully compatible, and all use 3x3x0.9 mm3 LGA packaging form, can help customers easily upgrade products.
QMC5883L with its excellent performance, can be widely used in UAVs, high-precision industrial control and automotive electronics.)
QMC5883L vs HMC5883L.pdf