文件名称:Excel文档处理之Open XML
注:本代码段是本人经多次试验后的结果,但依然不尽如人意,主要表现在两个方面:1、表格样式部分只编写了修改背景颜色的功能;2、超链接的添加会导致一个后遗症,打开Excel文档后不修改任何东西,关闭时总会有一个是否保存的提示。(The code is divided into two parts: the OXExcel class: the Excel document structure, the hierarchy of nodes, or the processing of elements; OXSheet: the processing of tables, content levels, nodes, or elements.
Note: This is my code after many tests results, but is still not satisfactory, mainly in two aspects: 1, written form part of the style change the background color of the function; 2, add a hyperlink will lead to a sequel, open the Excel document does not modify anything off there will always be a reminder to save.)
注:本代码段是本人经多次试验后的结果,但依然不尽如人意,主要表现在两个方面:1、表格样式部分只编写了修改背景颜色的功能;2、超链接的添加会导致一个后遗症,打开Excel文档后不修改任何东西,关闭时总会有一个是否保存的提示。(The code is divided into two parts: the OXExcel class: the Excel document structure, the hierarchy of nodes, or the processing of elements; OXSheet: the processing of tables, content levels, nodes, or elements.
Note: This is my code after many tests results, but is still not satisfactory, mainly in two aspects: 1, written form part of the style change the background color of the function; 2, add a hyperlink will lead to a sequel, open the Excel document does not modify anything off there will always be a reminder to save.)
Excel文档处理之Open XML.txt