A method based on adap t ive filtering is p ropo sed to detect dim smallmoving target s in st rong undulant
clut ter background. Thismethod ut ilizes the difference between target and clut ter w ith regard to stat ist ic charac2
terist ics, the consistency of moving target’s t rajecto ry, and the random fluctuat ion of no ise. A test based on in2
frared sequence images is p resented. The result s indicate that the method can supp ress the st rong undulant clut2
ter, and enhance target s efficient ly, and it can great ly imp rove the perfo rmance of detect ing dim small target s.
Key words St rong undulant clut ter background D im small target A dap t ive filter
clut ter background. Thismethod ut ilizes the difference between target and clut ter w ith regard to stat ist ic charac2
terist ics, the consistency of moving target’s t rajecto ry, and the random fluctuat ion of no ise. A test based on in2
frared sequence images is p resented. The result s indicate that the method can supp ress the st rong undulant clut2
ter, and enhance target s efficient ly, and it can great ly imp rove the perfo rmance of detect ing dim small target s.
Key words St rong undulant clut ter background D im small target A dap t ive filter