本文图片来自 Ricky Ho 的博文 MongoDB 构架(MongoDB Architecture),这是个一
听就感觉很宽泛的话题,但是作者在文章中确实对 MongoDB 由内至外的架构进行了剖析。
本文截取了其文章中的几张重点架构示意图片进行简单描述。希望对大家有用-This picture comes Ricky Ho s MongoDB architecture (MongoDB Architecture), which is one
Listening to the very broad topic, but the author in the article did MongoDB the inside to the outside of the structure of the analysis.
This article intercepts a few descr iptive pictures of the key structure in the article for a brief descr iption. Hope for everyone useful
听就感觉很宽泛的话题,但是作者在文章中确实对 MongoDB 由内至外的架构进行了剖析。
本文截取了其文章中的几张重点架构示意图片进行简单描述。希望对大家有用-This picture comes Ricky Ho s MongoDB architecture (MongoDB Architecture), which is one
Listening to the very broad topic, but the author in the article did MongoDB the inside to the outside of the structure of the analysis.
This article intercepts a few descr iptive pictures of the key structure in the article for a brief descr iption. Hope for everyone useful