手机防盗: 根据sim的变更, 判断手机是否被盗,根据协议发送手中中sim卡的信息,和当前手机的位置经纬度,给安全号码发送信息, 快速进入手机防盗md5加密。
通讯管理: 来电黑名单,短信黑名单管理。
软件管理: 系统软件和本机软件,显示软件详细信息, 启动,卸载。
任务管理: 管理系统任务,显示系统内存信息,*,批量*进程,widget
流量查看: 显示每个程序访问的流量,漫游。-Mobile security software features: mobile security: according to the change of the sim, to determine whether the phone is stolen, according to information in the hands of the protocol to send sim card, and current location latitude and longitude of the phone, send a message to security number, quickly enter the mobile security md5 encryption. Communication Management: call blacklist, SMS blacklist management. Software Management: system software and this software, display software details, start unloading. Task Management: Tasks management system, information display system memory, kill, kill the batch process, widget flow View: shows the flow of each program access, roaming.
手机防盗: 根据sim的变更, 判断手机是否被盗,根据协议发送手中中sim卡的信息,和当前手机的位置经纬度,给安全号码发送信息, 快速进入手机防盗md5加密。
通讯管理: 来电黑名单,短信黑名单管理。
软件管理: 系统软件和本机软件,显示软件详细信息, 启动,卸载。
任务管理: 管理系统任务,显示系统内存信息,*,批量*进程,widget
流量查看: 显示每个程序访问的流量,漫游。-Mobile security software features: mobile security: according to the change of the sim, to determine whether the phone is stolen, according to information in the hands of the protocol to send sim card, and current location latitude and longitude of the phone, send a message to security number, quickly enter the mobile security md5 encryption. Communication Management: call blacklist, SMS blacklist management. Software Management: system software and this software, display software details, start unloading. Task Management: Tasks management system, information display system memory, kill, kill the batch process, widget flow View: shows the flow of each program access, roaming.