每次抽奖后,if判断yes或no是否继续-Please enter the number of users to participate in this draw, the results based on the input, set to take the remainder of the random numbers to ensure that everyone has the winner possibly through while loop, if not touching the keyboard, then continues through the digital output, to achieve the rolling effect , if you encounter space key to stop scrolling, the first direct output, behind the times compared with the previous will, if repeated will output " Sorry number has already been winning" after each draw, if judged yes or no whether to continue
每次抽奖后,if判断yes或no是否继续-Please enter the number of users to participate in this draw, the results based on the input, set to take the remainder of the random numbers to ensure that everyone has the winner possibly through while loop, if not touching the keyboard, then continues through the digital output, to achieve the rolling effect , if you encounter space key to stop scrolling, the first direct output, behind the times compared with the previous will, if repeated will output " Sorry number has already been winning" after each draw, if judged yes or no whether to continue