In this paper, we use a wireless sensor network with 100 unknown nodes, which are randomly produced
and uniformly distributed in a square region of 5R*5R. Assuming that all nodes are located in the first
quadrant, the location of nodes is represented by a two-dimensional coordinates, simultaneously stands for
the absolute position, and all nodes are in a quiescent state after deployment. In the algorithm PGA, it
supposes population size equals 50 and crossover probability pc=0.8, mutation probability pm=0.01, the
number of iterations Iter=100 The RCDE algorithm parameters are set as the same to PGA outside of
scaling factor F=0.8. In order to facilitate comparison, the parameters of GAL algorithm are completely
equated to that of PGA algorithm.-NETWORKING LAB PROGRAMS
In this paper, we use a wireless sensor network with 100 unknown nodes, which are randomly produced
and uniformly distributed in a square region of 5R*5R. Assuming that all nodes are located in the first
quadrant, the location of nodes is represented by a two-dimensional coordinates, simultaneously stands for
the absolute position, and all nodes are in a quiescent state after deployment. In the algorithm PGA, it
supposes population size equals 50 and crossover probability pc=0.8, mutation probability pm=0.01, the
number of iterations Iter=100 The RCDE algorithm parameters are set as the same to PGA outside of
scaling factor F=0.8. In order to facilitate comparison, the parameters of GAL algorithm are completely
equated to that of PGA algorithm.
In this paper, we use a wireless sensor network with 100 unknown nodes, which are randomly produced
and uniformly distributed in a square region of 5R*5R. Assuming that all nodes are located in the first
quadrant, the location of nodes is represented by a two-dimensional coordinates, simultaneously stands for
the absolute position, and all nodes are in a quiescent state after deployment. In the algorithm PGA, it
supposes population size equals 50 and crossover probability pc=0.8, mutation probability pm=0.01, the
number of iterations Iter=100 The RCDE algorithm parameters are set as the same to PGA outside of
scaling factor F=0.8. In order to facilitate comparison, the parameters of GAL algorithm are completely
equated to that of PGA algorithm.-NETWORKING LAB PROGRAMS
In this paper, we use a wireless sensor network with 100 unknown nodes, which are randomly produced
and uniformly distributed in a square region of 5R*5R. Assuming that all nodes are located in the first
quadrant, the location of nodes is represented by a two-dimensional coordinates, simultaneously stands for
the absolute position, and all nodes are in a quiescent state after deployment. In the algorithm PGA, it
supposes population size equals 50 and crossover probability pc=0.8, mutation probability pm=0.01, the
number of iterations Iter=100 The RCDE algorithm parameters are set as the same to PGA outside of
scaling factor F=0.8. In order to facilitate comparison, the parameters of GAL algorithm are completely
equated to that of PGA algorithm.
Ex . No 3.doc
Ex.No 4.doc
Ex. No 5.doc