KTV包房管理系统,是基于KTV包房所有流程的基础之上,将管理技术与信息技术相结合而构建的信息管理系统。本系统有包房预订,包房更换,包房餐饮服务、收银等主要功能。 本系统适用于各种规模,连锁化或非连锁的KTV。
-KTV rooms management system, is based on the KTV rooms on the basis of all processes, the management technology and information technology to build a combination of information management system.This system has private rooms reservations, private rooms replacement, private dining service, cash register And other major functions. The system is suitable for all sizes, chain or non-linked KTV.
-KTV rooms management system, is based on the KTV rooms on the basis of all processes, the management technology and information technology to build a combination of information management system.This system has private rooms reservations, private rooms replacement, private dining service, cash register And other major functions. The system is suitable for all sizes, chain or non-linked KTV.