The source program that shows how to create a compiler / assembler into machine code, written completely in Delphi. The source code shows how to create your own EXE-files: the formation of Win32 header \ PE\ , DOS \ MZ\ , adding sections, creation of tables of imports outside the DLL functions, organization variables, converting into machine code (opcodes). Supported types: byte, dword, string, record, according to the index treatment. Supported instructions: push, jmp, mov, call - pre-realization, extra SizeOf team for variable length. Examples are also given, which can be compiled: the withdrawal of the MessageBox, console output, the JMP cycle, the creation of a window class. This release is preliminary and requires further development.
-The source program that shows how to create a compiler / assembler into machine code, written completely in Delphi. The source code shows how to create your own EXE-files: the formation of Win32 header \ PE\ , DOS \ MZ\ , adding sections, creation of tables of imports outside the DLL functions, organization variables, converting into machine code (opcodes). Supported types: byte, dword, string, record, according to the index treatment. Supported instructions: push, jmp, mov, call - pre-realization, extra SizeOf team for variable length. Examples are also given, which can be compiled: the withdrawal of the MessageBox, console output, the JMP cycle, the creation of a window class. This release is preliminary and requires further development.
-The source program that shows how to create a compiler / assembler into machine code, written completely in Delphi. The source code shows how to create your own EXE-files: the formation of Win32 header \ PE\ , DOS \ MZ\ , adding sections, creation of tables of imports outside the DLL functions, organization variables, converting into machine code (opcodes). Supported types: byte, dword, string, record, according to the index treatment. Supported instructions: push, jmp, mov, call - pre-realization, extra SizeOf team for variable length. Examples are also given, which can be compiled: the withdrawal of the MessageBox, console output, the JMP cycle, the creation of a window class. This release is preliminary and requires further development.