环境要求: 1、PHP 2、支持地址重写 3、支持.htaccess文件 一般linux空间都满足上面要求 安装: 1、上传 2、必须在根目录或者指定目录 2、适当修改config.php文件中的配置 广告位: 文件都在a-d目录下面 模板: 全部在html目录下面 头部文件是header.html,可以自己修改里面的HTML代码 底部文件是footer.html,可以自己修改里面的HTML代码 注意:linux空间区分大小写,请保持原来文件的大小写状态 -Environmental requirements: 1, PHP 2, 3 address rewriting support, support for .htaccess files are generally linux installation space meet the above requirements: 1, 2 upload must be configured in the root directory or the specified directory 2, suitably modified config.php file advertising: files are in the ad template directory: all files in the html directory of the head is header.html, you can make changes to the HTML code as the bottom of the file is footer.html, which can modify their HTML code Note: linux distinguish space sensitive, please keep the original status of the case file