本书探讨了如何通过使用与HBase高度集成的Hadoop将HBase的可伸缩性变得简单《把大型数据集分布到相对廉价的商业服务器集群中;使用本地Java客户端,或者通过提供了REST、Avro和Thrift应用编程接口的网关服务器来访问HBase;了解HBase架构的细节,包括存储格式、预写日志、后台进程等;在HBase中集成MapReduce框架;了解如何调节集群、设计模式、拷贝表、导人 批量数据和除节点等。
本书适合使用HBase进行数据库开发的高级数据库研发人员阅读。-This book discusses how to through the use of scalability and Hadoop HBase highly integrated HBase will become simple " the large data set distributed to business server cluster is relatively cheap use the local Java client, or by providing REST, Avro and Thrift application programming interface of the gateway server to access the HBase HBase architecture the details, including the storage format, the pre writing background process logs, etc . in the HBase MapReduce integrated fr a mework learn how to adjust the cluster, design pattern, copy table, guide the batch data and removing nodes etc .. This book is suitable for the use of HBase development of senior developers to read.
本书适合使用HBase进行数据库开发的高级数据库研发人员阅读。-This book discusses how to through the use of scalability and Hadoop HBase highly integrated HBase will become simple " the large data set distributed to business server cluster is relatively cheap use the local Java client, or by providing REST, Avro and Thrift application programming interface of the gateway server to access the HBase HBase architecture the details, including the storage format, the pre writing background process logs, etc . in the HBase MapReduce integrated fr a mework learn how to adjust the cluster, design pattern, copy table, guide the batch data and removing nodes etc .. This book is suitable for the use of HBase development of senior developers to read.