鸡兔同笼是中国古代著名趣题之一。大约在1500年前 ,《孙子算经》中就记载了这个有趣的问题。书中是这样叙述的:“今有雉兔同笼,上有三十五头,下有九十四足,问雉兔各几何?”这四句话的意思是:有若干只鸡和兔同在一个笼子里,从上面数,有35个头;从下面数,有94只脚。问笼中各有几只鸡和兔。-Chickens and rabbits with cage is one of China' s famous ancient interesting question. About 1,500 years ago, " Sun Tzu Suan Jing" on the records of this interesting question. This book is described: " ? Today there are pheasant rabbit with cage, there thirty-five under ninety four-legged, and asked pheasant rabbit geometrical" This means that four sentences: There are a number of chickens and rabbits with in a cage the top, there are 35 heads the number below, there is 94 feet. Q cage in each of chickens and rabbits.