一款非常好用的*接口 瑞动力致力于全国企业短信终极提供商,两年多以来,服务了国内许多的各型企业,凭借专业和优质的服务,客户满意度一直很高。 瑞动力企业短信接口目前支持PHP语言,使用者可以进行二次开发,提供样板,可以很方便的集成到OA等系统中去,也可以通过接口进行二次开发,成为自己独特的短信发送网站。 本接口完全免费,在集成过程中如果有什么疑问可以查看帮助文档或者咨询兴瑞客服。-A very user-friendly SMS bulk interface Swiss power is committed to the ultimate provider of enterprise messaging, more than two years, the domestic service of many types of enterprises, with professional and quality service, customer satisfaction has been high. Rui dynamic enterprise messaging interface currently supports PHP language, users can be the second development, provide a model, can be easily integrated into the OA system, but also through the interface for secondary development, to become their own unique SMS sending site. The interface is completely free, in the process of integration if you have any questions you can view the help file or consult Xingrui customer service.