ZZCMS是一款小巧,高效,人性化的企业建站程序. 目前具有模块:单页、文章、产品、下载、友情连接、留言本、伪原创、记录蜘蛛等功能 采用缓存技术让速度更快 栏目为多级分类 留言可在后台设置是否通过审核的留言 系统自带4000多条同义词,并且可以自由添加修改同义词,还可以在后台设置是否启用伪原创。-ZZCMS is a compact, efficient and humane Build program currently has a module: a single page, articles, products, downloads, Links, Guestbook, pseudo-original, spiders and other recording functions using caching technology allows for the faster sections multi-stage classification messages can be set in the background, whether carrying more than 4,000 synonyms approved, the message system, and you can freely add, modify synonyms can also be enabled if the pseudo-original setting in the background.