Kite codes, which were originally defined over the
binary field, are generalized to arbitrary abelian groups in this
paper. Kite codes are a special class of prefix rateless codes over
groups, which can generate potentially infinite (or as many as
required) random-like parity-check symbols. In this paper, we
consider four kinds of Kite codes, which are binary Kite codes,
Kite codes over one-dimensional lattices, Kite codes over M-
PSK signal constellations and Kite codes over multi-dimensional
lattices. It is shown by simulations that the proposed codes
perform well over additive white Gaussian noise channels.
Index Terms—Adaptive coded modulation, codes over groups,
group codes, lattice codes, LDPC codes, RA codes, rate-
compatible codes, rateless coding, Raptor codes.
binary field, are generalized to arbitrary abelian groups in this
paper. Kite codes are a special class of prefix rateless codes over
groups, which can generate potentially infinite (or as many as
required) random-like parity-check symbols. In this paper, we
consider four kinds of Kite codes, which are binary Kite codes,
Kite codes over one-dimensional lattices, Kite codes over M-
PSK signal constellations and Kite codes over multi-dimensional
lattices. It is shown by simulations that the proposed codes
perform well over additive white Gaussian noise channels.
Index Terms—Adaptive coded modulation, codes over groups,
group codes, lattice codes, LDPC codes, RA codes, rate-
compatible codes, rateless coding, Raptor codes.
Kite Codes.pdf