1.全站HTML静态生成功能 支持一键生成全站HTML静态页面,产品、新闻增加或修改后,能自动生成HTML静态页面,不用每次都点一键生成,非常方便,提高工作效率。
2.seo功能支持 在后台可对每个页面进行seo优化,自定义每个产品或每篇文章的关键字和描述,全静态网站地图、全站生成静态HTML页面等一系列优化让您的企业网站更容易被搜索引擎收录。
3.前台网页架构 采用DIV+CSS架构,对于搜索引擎能提高收录率,排名更易靠前,全面兼容IE、火狐等主流浏览器。
4.导航和栏目 在后台可以自定义导航和栏目,模版上的导航和栏目在后台均可修改和删除等操作。-1 station HTML static generation capabilities to support a key generating station static HTML pages, news products, added or modified, automatically generate static HTML pages, not every point of a key generation, very convenient, improve work efficiency.
2.seo support in the background of each page for SEO optimization, customized for each product or each of the keywords and descr iption, fully static site map, the station generates static HTML pages and a series of optimization for your business web site more easily indexed by search engines.
3 front page architecture using CSS+ div architecture, for search engine can improve the collection rate, ranking more easily in front is fully compatible with ie, Firefox and other browsers.
4 navigation and columns in the background can be custom navigation and columns, template navigation and columns in the background can be modified and deleted and other operations.
2.seo功能支持 在后台可对每个页面进行seo优化,自定义每个产品或每篇文章的关键字和描述,全静态网站地图、全站生成静态HTML页面等一系列优化让您的企业网站更容易被搜索引擎收录。
3.前台网页架构 采用DIV+CSS架构,对于搜索引擎能提高收录率,排名更易靠前,全面兼容IE、火狐等主流浏览器。
4.导航和栏目 在后台可以自定义导航和栏目,模版上的导航和栏目在后台均可修改和删除等操作。-1 station HTML static generation capabilities to support a key generating station static HTML pages, news products, added or modified, automatically generate static HTML pages, not every point of a key generation, very convenient, improve work efficiency.
2.seo support in the background of each page for SEO optimization, customized for each product or each of the keywords and descr iption, fully static site map, the station generates static HTML pages and a series of optimization for your business web site more easily indexed by search engines.
3 front page architecture using CSS+ div architecture, for search engine can improve the collection rate, ranking more easily in front is fully compatible with ie, Firefox and other browsers.
4 navigation and columns in the background can be custom navigation and columns, template navigation and columns in the background can be modified and deleted and other operations.