本项目是一个使用softAP实现多方聊天通讯的例子源码,首先把多部手机连接到一个局域网中,在一个手机上安装服务端,然后服务端会自动显示一个可访问的IP地址并等待客户端连接,在其他手机上安装客户端,输入服务端显示的IP地址点击连接就可以与服务端进行连接,不需要改动源码里面的任何东西,亲测有效。-This project is a realization of the use of softAP multi-party chat communication example source code, first of all, the multiple phones connected to a LAN, server is installed on a mobile phone, then the server will automatically display a accessible IP address and wait for a client to connect, on the other hand machine to install the client, enter the server IP address, click on the link to connect with the server, does not require any changes to the source code, pro test.