17种图片特效处理源码是一个很强大的图片效果集合,市面上的特效相机,图片处理之类的软件都需要的功能。可以实现图片缩放、图片圆角、图片倒影、旋转图片、图片反转、图片色调饱和度、色相、亮度处理、图片涂鸦水印、怀旧效果、高斯模糊效果、浮雕效果、锐化效果、底片效果、光照效果、图片裁剪、图片素描等17种安卓手机图片处理效果。 -17 image effects processing source code is a very powerful picture effect collection, the market of special effects, image processing and the like the function of the software are required. To achieve image scaling, rounded picture, reflection picture, picture rotation, reversal pictures, pictures hue/saturation, hue, brightness, graffiti images watermarking, nostalgic effect, Gaussian Blur effect, the effect of relief, sharpening effect, negative effect, light effect, cutting, drawings and other 17 kinds of Android mobile phone picture processing effect can be.