1.验证码可在无GD库的空间中正常运行 对于支持GD库的空间,系统自动调用GD库来输出验证码 对于不支持GD库的空间,系统自动调用我自己编写的256色BMP图像输出函数,自定义生成256色BMP图片 以上步骤自动自己判断,无需设置 图像函数都保存在echo_img.php文件中 调用方法请参考img.php文件 2.支持标题搜索,数据库对标题建有索引 3.支持回复.编辑,删贴功能 -1. The codes can support the normal operation of the GD library space, the system automatically calls the GD library no GD library space to output the code does not support GD library space, the system automatically calls I have written a 256-color BMP image output function, custom build a 256-color BMP image above steps automatically decide for themselves, without setting functions are stored in the image file echo_img.php call, please refer to the file. 2. img.php support title search, title built on the index 3. support reply, the editor, function Shantie
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