- 所属分类:
- android开发
- 资源属性:
- [Java] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2016-06-23
- 文件大小:
- 2mb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- beiyo*****
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
详细介绍 - [ 扫扫图书源码 ]
扫扫图书源码主要的技术就是Zxing开源库的使用,简单的网络通信,数据解析及UI更新的要点。扫描书籍的条形码以后。返回ISBN值之后,然后再去豆瓣图书API:http://developers.douban.com/wiki/?title=book_v2上获取数据,然后解析,更新到UI上MainActivity.java是主界面的Activity ;BookView.java是显示图书基本信息的界面;CaptureActivity.java是扫描镜头界面;ReviewActivity是笔记的列表界面;ReviewContent.java是笔记的详细界面;BookInfo是book的实体类(在原来的基础上增加很多信息);Review是笔记的实体类。编译版本4.2.2编码UTF-8,源码有注释。 -Details- [source] sweep books
Sweep source book main technology is zxing open source library use and simple network communication, data analysis and UI update points. After the bar code scanning books. Return value ISBN, and then to watercress book API:http://developers.douban.com/wiki/? To obtain data on the iPad Title=book_v2, then parses the update to the UI MainActivity.java is the main interface of the activity BookView.java is display basic information on the book of the interface CaptureActivity.java is scanning lens interface ReviewActivity is notes list interface ReviewContent.java is detailed notes interface bookinfo is book of the entity class (increase in the original basis of a lot of information) review is a note of entity classes. Compiled version of 4.2.2 coding UTF-8, source code has comments.
扫扫图书源码主要的技术就是Zxing开源库的使用,简单的网络通信,数据解析及UI更新的要点。扫描书籍的条形码以后。返回ISBN值之后,然后再去豆瓣图书API:http://developers.douban.com/wiki/?title=book_v2上获取数据,然后解析,更新到UI上MainActivity.java是主界面的Activity ;BookView.java是显示图书基本信息的界面;CaptureActivity.java是扫描镜头界面;ReviewActivity是笔记的列表界面;ReviewContent.java是笔记的详细界面;BookInfo是book的实体类(在原来的基础上增加很多信息);Review是笔记的实体类。编译版本4.2.2编码UTF-8,源码有注释。 -Details- [source] sweep books
Sweep source book main technology is zxing open source library use and simple network communication, data analysis and UI update points. After the bar code scanning books. Return value ISBN, and then to watercress book API:http://developers.douban.com/wiki/? To obtain data on the iPad Title=book_v2, then parses the update to the UI MainActivity.java is the main interface of the activity BookView.java is display basic information on the book of the interface CaptureActivity.java is scanning lens interface ReviewActivity is notes list interface ReviewContent.java is detailed notes interface bookinfo is book of the entity class (increase in the original basis of a lot of information) review is a note of entity classes. Compiled version of 4.2.2 coding UTF-8, source code has comments.