网上预约挂号系统是一个简单的医院挂号项目源码,实现了病人在安卓手机上登录、注册、挂号、查看医生信息等功能。实现原理是app端与web服务端做交互,然后web服务端再去调用mysql数据库里面的内容,维护mysql数据内容的时候直接在web服务端进行维护本项目暂时没有数据库,只有j2ee服务端源码和安卓客户端源码,所以只能给大家截两个登录注册的图,如果想看其他界面效果的话可以自己根据服务端src\com\hospital下的model层里面的字段建表,我看了一下工程量也不大,就四个表,几个字段。有mysql或者mssql基础的人真想弄的话半小时内肯定可以把表建起来-Online booking registration system is a simple hospital registration project source code, to achieve the patient in the Android mobile phone login, registration, registration, check the doctor s information and other functions. The principle is app side with the web server interaction, and a web server to call the MySQL , directly in the web server to maintain the project temporarily no maintenance MySQL data content, only the J2EE server source code and Android client source code, so only for everyone to cut two Login registered, if you want to see the effects of other interface can field is based on the server src\com\hospital model layer table, I see the about engineering volume is not large, four table, several fields. People who have MySQL or MSSQL based people really want to get a half an hour.