但是,JPress又不是wordpress的java版本,它天生融合了微信公众平台,整合了国内众多云平台、短信发送、邮件发送平台,独创的“模板即模型”概念是wordpress所不具备的,只有资深的wordpress玩家才能体会里面的微妙关系。同时后续会添加微信文章同步,QQ公众平台,今日头条,一点资讯等新媒体的文章同步功能,更加国产和本地化。-JPress, a Java instead of wordpress version, using JFinal development. Support almost all functions similar to wordpress, such as templates, etc. At the same time in the template, JPress puts forward the concept of template is a model , convenient template producer flexible business model, to remove the widget, such as complex function, at the same time than the wordpress template and created more flexible and concise.
JPress not Java version of wordpress, however, it is a blend of natural WeChat public platform, integrated the domestic numerous cloud platform, SMS messages, mail delivery platform, original concept of template is a model is what wordpress does not have, only senior wordpress players can experience the subtle relationship inside. Subsequent will add WeChat article synchronization at the same time, QQ public platform, the headlines today, a bit of information and other new media articles
但是,JPress又不是wordpress的java版本,它天生融合了微信公众平台,整合了国内众多云平台、短信发送、邮件发送平台,独创的“模板即模型”概念是wordpress所不具备的,只有资深的wordpress玩家才能体会里面的微妙关系。同时后续会添加微信文章同步,QQ公众平台,今日头条,一点资讯等新媒体的文章同步功能,更加国产和本地化。-JPress, a Java instead of wordpress version, using JFinal development. Support almost all functions similar to wordpress, such as templates, etc. At the same time in the template, JPress puts forward the concept of template is a model , convenient template producer flexible business model, to remove the widget, such as complex function, at the same time than the wordpress template and created more flexible and concise.
JPress not Java version of wordpress, however, it is a blend of natural WeChat public platform, integrated the domestic numerous cloud platform, SMS messages, mail delivery platform, original concept of template is a model is what wordpress does not have, only senior wordpress players can experience the subtle relationship inside. Subsequent will add WeChat article synchronization at the same time, QQ public platform, the headlines today, a bit of information and other new media articles