书对 Linux 早期操作系统内核(v0.95)全部代码文件进行了详细全面的注释和说明, 旨在使读者能够在尽量短的时间
内对 Linux 的工作机理获得全面而深刻的理解,为进一步学习和研究 Linux 系统打下坚实的基础。虽然所选择的版本较低,
但该内核已能够正常编译运行, 其中已经包括了 LINUX 工作原理的精髓, 通过阅读其源代码能快速地完全理解内核的运作机
制。书中首先以 Linux 源代码版本的变迁历史为主线,详细介绍了 Linux 系统的发展历史,着重说明了各个内核版本之间的
重要区别和改进方面,给出了选择 0.11(0.95)版作为研究的对象的原因。另外介绍了内核源代码的组织结构及相互关系,
同时还说明了编译和运行该版本内核的方法。 然后本书依据内核源代码的组织结构对所有内核程序和文件进行了注释和详细
前版本的主要区别等部分。最后一章内容总结性地介绍了继续研究 Linux 系统的方法和着手点。-Book early for the Linux operating system kernel (v0.95) all the code file for detailed and comprehensive notes and instructions designed to enable the reader can in the shortest possible time to obtain a comprehensive and profound understanding of the working mechanism of Linux for further study and research Linux system and lay a solid foundation. Although the selected version is low, but the core has been able to compile the normal operation, which already includes the essence LINUX works, by reading its source code to quickly complete understanding of the operating mechanism of the kernel. The book first to Linux source code version of the main line Changes history, detailing the history of Linux systems, highlighting the important distinction between kernel versions and improving the various aspects of choice given 0.11 (0.95) as a research version of Cause of the object. Also describes the relationship between the structure and organization of the kernel source code, and also ill
内对 Linux 的工作机理获得全面而深刻的理解,为进一步学习和研究 Linux 系统打下坚实的基础。虽然所选择的版本较低,
但该内核已能够正常编译运行, 其中已经包括了 LINUX 工作原理的精髓, 通过阅读其源代码能快速地完全理解内核的运作机
制。书中首先以 Linux 源代码版本的变迁历史为主线,详细介绍了 Linux 系统的发展历史,着重说明了各个内核版本之间的
重要区别和改进方面,给出了选择 0.11(0.95)版作为研究的对象的原因。另外介绍了内核源代码的组织结构及相互关系,
同时还说明了编译和运行该版本内核的方法。 然后本书依据内核源代码的组织结构对所有内核程序和文件进行了注释和详细
前版本的主要区别等部分。最后一章内容总结性地介绍了继续研究 Linux 系统的方法和着手点。-Book early for the Linux operating system kernel (v0.95) all the code file for detailed and comprehensive notes and instructions designed to enable the reader can in the shortest possible time to obtain a comprehensive and profound understanding of the working mechanism of Linux for further study and research Linux system and lay a solid foundation. Although the selected version is low, but the core has been able to compile the normal operation, which already includes the essence LINUX works, by reading its source code to quickly complete understanding of the operating mechanism of the kernel. The book first to Linux source code version of the main line Changes history, detailing the history of Linux systems, highlighting the important distinction between kernel versions and improving the various aspects of choice given 0.11 (0.95) as a research version of Cause of the object. Also describes the relationship between the structure and organization of the kernel source code, and also ill
Linux_内核0.11_详细注释 第一版 .pdf