本项目是蘑菇街技术团队几位工程师利用业余时间开发的一套多平台企业办公即时通信软件项目,一直被蘑菇街用于公司内部沟通使用。今年9月26日在GitHub上开源出来了,一同开源的还有php和win的服务端源码,客户端有Mac、Windows、iOS和Android四个版本源码,该IM软件适合中小型企业用户,支持单聊和群聊,提供文字、表情和图片的富文本实时聊天功能,支持多平台客户端同时登陆,以及各平台之间消息的同步推送。实属国产良心之作-This project is a set of multi platform enterprise office instant communication software developed by mogujie.com technical team, which has been used by mogujie.com for internal communication. On 26 September on GitHub source out, together with open source and PHP and win the server source code, the client has a Mac, windows, IOS and Android 4 version of the source code, the IM software for small business users, support for single chat and group chat, words, expressions and the picture rich real-time text chat, support multi platform client login at the same time, and the platform between message synchronize a push. It is made in China