The TIFF file format was designed jointly by Aldus and Microsoft with leading
scanner vendors to faciliate incorporating scanned images into publishing.
The described TIFF specification is TIFF 5.0. A TIFF file consists of several
different blocks which define the palette data or the LZW-compressed body
among other things. TIFF files can be in Motorola _or_ Intel byte order,
depending on the first word. If it is II , the byte order is in Intel order,
if it is MM , then you have Motorola byte ordering.
-The TIFF file format was designed jointly by Aldus and Microsoft with leading
scanner vendors to faciliate incorporating scanned images into publishing.
The described TIFF specification is TIFF 5.0. A TIFF file consists of several
different blocks which define the palette data or the LZW-compressed body
among other things. TIFF files can be in Motorola _or_ Intel byte order,
depending on the first word. If it is II , the byte order is in Intel order,
if it is MM , then you have Motorola byte ordering.
scanner vendors to faciliate incorporating scanned images into publishing.
The described TIFF specification is TIFF 5.0. A TIFF file consists of several
different blocks which define the palette data or the LZW-compressed body
among other things. TIFF files can be in Motorola _or_ Intel byte order,
depending on the first word. If it is II , the byte order is in Intel order,
if it is MM , then you have Motorola byte ordering.
-The TIFF file format was designed jointly by Aldus and Microsoft with leading
scanner vendors to faciliate incorporating scanned images into publishing.
The described TIFF specification is TIFF 5.0. A TIFF file consists of several
different blocks which define the palette data or the LZW-compressed body
among other things. TIFF files can be in Motorola _or_ Intel byte order,
depending on the first word. If it is II , the byte order is in Intel order,
if it is MM , then you have Motorola byte ordering.
TIFF File Format Summary.txt