ofdm 传输与接受的各项例子
-OFDM Receiver
1. Initalize the USRP setting the RX parameters and moving the LO outside the transmission band.
2. Generate random data bits (PN Sequence) (125 bits)
3. Use the Van De Beek algorithm to detect the cyclic prefix locatoins for synchronization and estimate frequency offset
4. Remove the cyclic prefix
5. Remove the frequency offset the incoming signal
6. Compute the FFT convertin the time domain OFDM symbol to the frequency domain
7. Separate data bits, reference bits, and remove zero padding
8.Compute equalization coefficients using a linear fit for both I and Q based on reference symbols
9. Apply the equalization to the data symbols
10. Convert data symbol mapping back to data bits
-OFDM Receiver
1. Initalize the USRP setting the RX parameters and moving the LO outside the transmission band.
2. Generate random data bits (PN Sequence) (125 bits)
3. Use the Van De Beek algorithm to detect the cyclic prefix locatoins for synchronization and estimate frequency offset
4. Remove the cyclic prefix
5. Remove the frequency offset the incoming signal
6. Compute the FFT convertin the time domain OFDM symbol to the frequency domain
7. Separate data bits, reference bits, and remove zero padding
8.Compute equalization coefficients using a linear fit for both I and Q based on reference symbols
9. Apply the equalization to the data symbols
10. Convert data symbol mapping back to data bits
OFDM Tx Rx\ceshi.vi
..........\OFDM RX - Simulated (No HW).vi
..........\OFDM TX - Simulated (No HW).vi
..........\RX OFDM - USRP.llb
..........\.........\New Equalizer Code.vi
..........\.........\Power Start Trigger.vi
..........\.........\Sub-sample Timing Offset.vi
..........\TX OFDM - USRP.llb