粒子群算法(PSO)属于进化算法的一种,和模拟退火算法相似,它也是从随机解出发,通过迭代寻找最优解,它也是通过适应度来评价解的品质,但它比遗传算法规则更为简单,它没有遗传算法的“交叉”(Crossover) 和“变异”(Mutation) 操作,它通过追随当前搜索到的最优值来寻找全局最优。这种算法以其实现容易、精度高、收敛快等优点引起了学术界的重视,并且在解决实际问题中展示了其优越性。粒子群算法是一种并行算法。该程序适用于MATLAB中粒子群算法的实现。-
Similar to the one of simulated annealing algorithm and particle swarm optimization (PSO) belongs to the evolutionary algorithm, it is also a departure random solutions, through iterative find the optimal solution, it is also uated by the fitness of the quality of the solution, but it is more than Genetic Algorithm Rules more simple, it does not have the genetic algorithm cross (crossover) and variation (mutation) operation, follow it through to the current search to find the optimal value of the global optimum. This algorithm is its easy implementation, high precision, rapid convergence, etc. attracted academic attention, and demonstrated its superiority in solving practical problems. Particle swarm algorithm is a parallel algorithm. This procedure applies to implement MATLAB Particle Swarm Optimization.
Similar to the one of simulated annealing algorithm and particle swarm optimization (PSO) belongs to the evolutionary algorithm, it is also a departure random solutions, through iterative find the optimal solution, it is also uated by the fitness of the quality of the solution, but it is more than Genetic Algorithm Rules more simple, it does not have the genetic algorithm cross (crossover) and variation (mutation) operation, follow it through to the current search to find the optimal value of the global optimum. This algorithm is its easy implementation, high precision, rapid convergence, etc. attracted academic attention, and demonstrated its superiority in solving practical problems. Particle swarm algorithm is a parallel algorithm. This procedure applies to implement MATLAB Particle Swarm Optimization.