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- WEB源码
- 资源属性:
- [Android] [Java] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2016-05-17
- 文件大小:
- 2.32mb
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- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- liliji*******
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- 无
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详细介绍 - [ Android项目源码类似于360云盘的网盘客户端支持断点续传 ]
Android项目源码类似于360云盘的网盘客户端支持断点续传是一个基于安卓的网盘客户端项目源码,因为以前的客户端使用的是花生壳现在花生壳网址失效了,没法登陆和演示了。翻了翻源码貌似实现了很多功能,都是纯java,没有封装,慢慢捋代码的话应该能捋出些有用的东西,本文配图是在文档里面扒出来了,凑合着看吧,主要看看有啥功能-Details- [Android project source code similar to the 360 cloud disk SkyDrive client support HTTP]
Android source code projects similar to 360 cloud disk disk client support for HTTP is a SkyDrive client project source code based on Android, because previous client is peanut shell now peanut shell. Failure, unable to login and demonstrates the. Turned over source code seems to achieve a lot of features, is a pure Java, there is no package, slowly stroked code words should be stroked out something useful, the pictures are in the document grilled inside out, make do and see, mainly look at the what is the function of the
Android项目源码类似于360云盘的网盘客户端支持断点续传是一个基于安卓的网盘客户端项目源码,因为以前的客户端使用的是花生壳现在花生壳网址失效了,没法登陆和演示了。翻了翻源码貌似实现了很多功能,都是纯java,没有封装,慢慢捋代码的话应该能捋出些有用的东西,本文配图是在文档里面扒出来了,凑合着看吧,主要看看有啥功能-Details- [Android project source code similar to the 360 cloud disk SkyDrive client support HTTP]
Android source code projects similar to 360 cloud disk disk client support for HTTP is a SkyDrive client project source code based on Android, because previous client is peanut shell now peanut shell. Failure, unable to login and demonstrates the. Turned over source code seems to achieve a lot of features, is a pure Java, there is no package, slowly stroked code words should be stroked out something useful, the pictures are in the document grilled inside out, make do and see, mainly look at the what is the function of the