UCS 1 903N 是三通道 LED 驱动控制专用电路,内部集成有 MCU 数字接口、数据锁存器、LED 高压驱
动等电路。通过外围 MCU 控制实现该芯片的单独辉度、级联控制实现户外大屏的彩色点阵发光控制。增
加了 S-Drive 驱动技术及增强接收技术,在不降低发送频率(800K)的情况下将点与点间的拉线距离延
长到 10 米以上(信号和电源线并行拉长线),而且可以任意个点 10 米线跨接,不受需要长线跨接的点
数限制。产品性能优良,质量可靠。-UCS 1 903 n is special three-channel LED drive control circuit, the internal integration with MCU digital interface, data flip-latch, LED high voltage drive
Dynamic circuit, etc.Through peripheral MCU control to achieve the chip single luminance, cascade control realization of outdoor screen color lattice light control.increase
Added S- Drive Drive technology and enhance receiving technology, in not reduce send frequency (800 k) to push pull distance between point and point
Grow to more than 10 meters (signal and power cord parallel lines long), and can be arbitrary points 10 meter jumper, not need long jumper
Several limitations.Excellent product performance, quality and reliable.
动等电路。通过外围 MCU 控制实现该芯片的单独辉度、级联控制实现户外大屏的彩色点阵发光控制。增
加了 S-Drive 驱动技术及增强接收技术,在不降低发送频率(800K)的情况下将点与点间的拉线距离延
长到 10 米以上(信号和电源线并行拉长线),而且可以任意个点 10 米线跨接,不受需要长线跨接的点
数限制。产品性能优良,质量可靠。-UCS 1 903 n is special three-channel LED drive control circuit, the internal integration with MCU digital interface, data flip-latch, LED high voltage drive
Dynamic circuit, etc.Through peripheral MCU control to achieve the chip single luminance, cascade control realization of outdoor screen color lattice light control.increase
Added S- Drive Drive technology and enhance receiving technology, in not reduce send frequency (800 k) to push pull distance between point and point
Grow to more than 10 meters (signal and power cord parallel lines long), and can be arbitrary points 10 meter jumper, not need long jumper
Several limitations.Excellent product performance, quality and reliable.