迪杰斯特拉算法计算最短路径Dijkstra算法是由E.W.Dijkstra于1959年提出,又叫迪杰斯特拉算法,它应用了贪心算法模式,是目前公认的最好的求解最短路径的方法。算法解决的是有向图中单个源点到其他顶点的最短路径问题,其主要特点是每次迭代时选择的下一个顶点是标记点之外距离源点最近的顶点。但由于dijkstra算法主要计算从源点到其他所有点的最短路径,所以算法的效率较低。-Dijkstra shortest path algorithm Dijkstra algorithm is proposed in 1959 by the E.W.Dijkstra, also known as Dijkstra algorithm, which applied the greedy algorithm mode, it is widely recognized as the best method for solving the shortest path. Algorithm is a directed graph point to a single source shortest path problem other vertices, the next vertex whose main characteristic is selected at each iteration is outside the distance markers nearest source vertex. But because the main dijkstra algorithm to calculate the shortest path source to point to all other points, the low efficiency of the algorithm.