+ 更详细控制节点发布商品,可按照某节点某时间段,临时选择风格模板 发布.
+ 自动识别风格文件夹是否存在,如不存在则使用默认风格,更具智能化.
+ 添加通过id的比较发布商品功能,make_good_html.html,mk_shop_html.php,添加相关的权限.
+ 添加商品或者修改商品时,设置发布与否选项.涉及到产品添加编辑相关模板以及by_product.php文件
+ 增加风格管理的数据表by_shop_tpl,后台可管理风格模板,方便用户自己选择相关模板发布各式页面.
+ 增加同类商品比较功能.-+ more detailed control of the joint release of goods, can be a node in a certain time period, the provisional selection style template release.
+ automatic recognition of the existence of the style folder, such as the use of the default style does not exist, more intelligent.
+ added through the ID to compare the release of product features, make_good_html.html, mk_shop_html.php, add the relevant permissions.
When you add a product or modify a product, set the option to publish or not. It involves adding a product to edit the template and the by_product.php file.
++++++++ to increase the style of the management of the data table by_shop_tpl, the background of the management style template, to facilitate the user to choose their own templates to publish all kinds of pages.
++ to increase the comparison of similar products.
+ 自动识别风格文件夹是否存在,如不存在则使用默认风格,更具智能化.
+ 添加通过id的比较发布商品功能,make_good_html.html,mk_shop_html.php,添加相关的权限.
+ 添加商品或者修改商品时,设置发布与否选项.涉及到产品添加编辑相关模板以及by_product.php文件
+ 增加风格管理的数据表by_shop_tpl,后台可管理风格模板,方便用户自己选择相关模板发布各式页面.
+ 增加同类商品比较功能.-+ more detailed control of the joint release of goods, can be a node in a certain time period, the provisional selection style template release.
+ automatic recognition of the existence of the style folder, such as the use of the default style does not exist, more intelligent.
+ added through the ID to compare the release of product features, make_good_html.html, mk_shop_html.php, add the relevant permissions.
When you add a product or modify a product, set the option to publish or not. It involves adding a product to edit the template and the by_product.php file.
++++++++ to increase the style of the management of the data table by_shop_tpl, the background of the management style template, to facilitate the user to choose their own templates to publish all kinds of pages.
++ to increase the comparison of similar products.
BeeYee Istore系统解决方案.doc