小蜜蜂商务网站门户系统(Bee business website portal system,以下简称:BBWPS),基于PHP+MYSQL开发,系统架构按平台+模块方式设计,便于维护及功能扩展。
功能模块目前开发:文章内容管理系统(CMS)、带采集的网摘系统、RSS聚合系统、图片相册系统、Flash/小游戏系统、下载系统、在线音乐系统、在线影视系统、在线小说系统、网址链接系统、生活黄页系统、商情供求系统、BLOG系统、房产信息发布系统、分类信息发布系统、人力招聘发布系统、电子商务B2B商城系统、换物系统、许愿系统、在线问答系统、在线调查系统、好友圈系统。-Bee small bee business web portal system (business website portal system, hereinafter referred to as: BBWPS), based on PHP+MYSQL development, system architecture platform+ module design, easy maintenance and function expansion.
Function modules are currently developed: article content management system (CMS), with collection of summaries of profiles and news system, RSS aggregator system, picture album, Flash/ small game system, download system, online music, online video system, a novel online system, URL link system, yellow pages system, system of market supply and demand, the blog system, real estate information release system, classification of information release system, manpower recruitment system, B2B e-commerce shopping mall system, change system, vowing system, online Q & a system, online survey system, friends circle system.
功能模块目前开发:文章内容管理系统(CMS)、带采集的网摘系统、RSS聚合系统、图片相册系统、Flash/小游戏系统、下载系统、在线音乐系统、在线影视系统、在线小说系统、网址链接系统、生活黄页系统、商情供求系统、BLOG系统、房产信息发布系统、分类信息发布系统、人力招聘发布系统、电子商务B2B商城系统、换物系统、许愿系统、在线问答系统、在线调查系统、好友圈系统。-Bee small bee business web portal system (business website portal system, hereinafter referred to as: BBWPS), based on PHP+MYSQL development, system architecture platform+ module design, easy maintenance and function expansion.
Function modules are currently developed: article content management system (CMS), with collection of summaries of profiles and news system, RSS aggregator system, picture album, Flash/ small game system, download system, online music, online video system, a novel online system, URL link system, yellow pages system, system of market supply and demand, the blog system, real estate information release system, classification of information release system, manpower recruitment system, B2B e-commerce shopping mall system, change system, vowing system, online Q & a system, online survey system, friends circle system.