Gyb2b V1.01免费版可终身使用,是一款功能强大的B2B电子商务应用软件。
该软件不仅更新和修改了V1.0相关功能,更是采用了目前互联网上最流行的LAMP组合(Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP)开发完成,模板技术实现了界面与代码的有效分离,用户可以快速地在此基础上编译模板;提供B2B电子商务应用最常见的求购、供应、商品、公司库、行业资讯、商圈、资信认证、在线交易、交易评分、留言、搜索、广告、展会、招聘、友情链接等模块 还集成中、英、繁三种语言包与9套风格任意转换,20套(以后会更多)企业模板,商务会员收费管理机制,内嵌全球免费可视电话系统、全国电子地图定位、具备WAP功能(即通过手机浏览网站、发布商机到网站);完善的商务会员-V1.01 Gyb2b free version can be used for life, is a powerful B2B e-commerce applications.
Not only is the software update and modify the related function of V1.0, it is the most popular on the Internet, LAMP (Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP) is developed, the template technology to realize the effective separation of interface and code, the user can quickly on the basis of the compiled template provide the most common B2B application of electronic commerce, supply, purchase of goods, the company library, information industry, business, credit certification, online transactions, score, messages, search, advertising, exhibition, recruitment, Links module also integrated in Britain, then three language packs and 9 sets of arbitrary style conversion, 20 sets (more on this later) business enterprise template, membership management the mechanism of charge, embedded VAVAA system, the electronic map, with the WAP function (i.e. through mobile phone browsing the website, issued business opportunities
该软件不仅更新和修改了V1.0相关功能,更是采用了目前互联网上最流行的LAMP组合(Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP)开发完成,模板技术实现了界面与代码的有效分离,用户可以快速地在此基础上编译模板;提供B2B电子商务应用最常见的求购、供应、商品、公司库、行业资讯、商圈、资信认证、在线交易、交易评分、留言、搜索、广告、展会、招聘、友情链接等模块 还集成中、英、繁三种语言包与9套风格任意转换,20套(以后会更多)企业模板,商务会员收费管理机制,内嵌全球免费可视电话系统、全国电子地图定位、具备WAP功能(即通过手机浏览网站、发布商机到网站);完善的商务会员-V1.01 Gyb2b free version can be used for life, is a powerful B2B e-commerce applications.
Not only is the software update and modify the related function of V1.0, it is the most popular on the Internet, LAMP (Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP) is developed, the template technology to realize the effective separation of interface and code, the user can quickly on the basis of the compiled template provide the most common B2B application of electronic commerce, supply, purchase of goods, the company library, information industry, business, credit certification, online transactions, score, messages, search, advertising, exhibition, recruitment, Links module also integrated in Britain, then three language packs and 9 sets of arbitrary style conversion, 20 sets (more on this later) business enterprise template, membership management the mechanism of charge, embedded VAVAA system, the electronic map, with the WAP function (i.e. through mobile phone browsing the website, issued business opportunities
gyb2bV1.01\gyb2b V1.01\about.php