曼波整站系统是在 Mambo 全球版基础上改进开发的适合中国人的智能建站系统,由 Mambo中国 和 Mambo Resource 联合增强开发,是 Mambo 中文化的传承和发扬光大!
曼波整站系统是免费的自由软件,遵循 GNU/GPL 开源许可协议。
曼波整站系统做为 Mambo 的中文分支,英文代码为 Mambors,以区分英文版 Mambo 。今后 Mambo中国将走两条路线,以满足大家的选择,一条是以汉化 Mambo 英文版为主的曼波全球版,保持曼波原汁原味;一条就是曼波整站系统,本土团队自主开发维护,对曼波的核心做大量的增强,优化系统性能,提高运行效率,及时满足国内用户使用习惯。-Mambo admin system is improved and developed on the foundations for the global version of Mambo for Chinese intelligent systems website, by Mambo China and Mambo resource jointly enhance the development, Mambo in cultural heritage and carry forward!
Mambo station system is free of free software, follow the open source license GNU/GPL.
Mambo station system as Chinese branch of Mambo, English code Mambors, to distinguish between the English version of Mambo. Future Mambo China will take two routes, to meet the people s choice, a is mainly finished Mambo English version of Mambo global version, maintain authentic Mambo a is Mambo admin system, local team of independent development and maintenance, to Mambo core of a lot of weight gain, and optimize the system performance, improve operation efficiency, in a timely manner to meet the domestic user habits.
曼波整站系统是免费的自由软件,遵循 GNU/GPL 开源许可协议。
曼波整站系统做为 Mambo 的中文分支,英文代码为 Mambors,以区分英文版 Mambo 。今后 Mambo中国将走两条路线,以满足大家的选择,一条是以汉化 Mambo 英文版为主的曼波全球版,保持曼波原汁原味;一条就是曼波整站系统,本土团队自主开发维护,对曼波的核心做大量的增强,优化系统性能,提高运行效率,及时满足国内用户使用习惯。-Mambo admin system is improved and developed on the foundations for the global version of Mambo for Chinese intelligent systems website, by Mambo China and Mambo resource jointly enhance the development, Mambo in cultural heritage and carry forward!
Mambo station system is free of free software, follow the open source license GNU/GPL.
Mambo station system as Chinese branch of Mambo, English code Mambors, to distinguish between the English version of Mambo. Future Mambo China will take two routes, to meet the people s choice, a is mainly finished Mambo English version of Mambo global version, maintain authentic Mambo a is Mambo admin system, local team of independent development and maintenance, to Mambo core of a lot of weight gain, and optimize the system performance, improve operation efficiency, in a timely manner to meet the domestic user habits.