ftserver是一个轻量全文搜索服务器,具有中英文两套文字处理规则,无需切割中文为单词,可以支持中文字的任意排列,完全索引,不依赖词库,直接搜索网络新词、古代地名、用户昵称。可以把搜索引擎整合到各类应用程序中,也可以作为微服务应用独立运行,比同类产品更容易按需定制,直接编译就可以使用,无需额外配置。-Ftserver a lightweight full text search server, with Chinese and English two sets of word processing rules, without cutting Chinese words, can support text arbitrary permutations, fully indexed, do not rely on a thesaurus, direct search network new words, ancient place names, user nickname. Search engine can be integrated into all kinds of applications, can also be used as a micro service application independent operation, easier to customize than similar products, can be directly compiled to use, without additional configuration.